Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background

This is a very elegant bag. A round cloisonné pattern is woven with thin gold thread.
Small flowers and geometric patterns are woven into the cloisonné in varying colors of gold.
[My favorite obi] You can wear it in many formal occasions.
From solid colors to hanging clothes, visiting clothes
It is very active.

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background
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Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background
price: 626,400 yen       (rate:)
( Product No: .99999976 )
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Orders by e-mail or fax ( 81-3-5652-6869) are also available.

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SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry
SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background

Buy it Now

Fukuro obi, cloisonné pattern, gold on white background
price: 626,400 yen       (rate:)
( Product No: .99999976 )
stock status:
Orders by e-mail or fax ( 81-3-5652-6869) are also available.

SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry

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