Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes

Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes

This is a gentle and elegant fukuro obi woven using a slightly cool fabric that can be worn as a single garment or as a sleeve.
It is made of white fabric with thin gold woven horizontally.
Inside it, a round cloisonné crest is woven with very thin gold thread.
Flowers are woven loosely and stylishly into the cloisonné.
[My favorite obi] can be worn both as a single robe and as a sash for many formal occasions.
It's great for everything from solid colors to hanging clothes and visiting wear.

Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes
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Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes
price: 734,400 yen       (rate:)
( Product No: .99999976 )
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Orders by e-mail or fax ( 81-3-5652-6869) are also available.

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SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry

Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes

Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes

Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes

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Fukuro obi, cloisonné flower pattern, gold on a white background, for single robes and sashes
price: 734,400 yen       (rate:)
( Product No: .99999976 )
stock status:
Orders by e-mail or fax ( 81-3-5652-6869) are also available.

SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry SHIKIGOROMO Japanese Cherry

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